
Empowering vocal performers through information and knowledge

An introduction to what you will find in these pages


The Anatomy of a Performing Voice

In this series of short videos, Dr. Kwak narrates as he introduces you to the anatomy — the architecture — of a performing voice.



Visiting a Voice Clinic

In this series of short videos, Dr. Kwak narrates as he gives you a glimpse into what it’s like to visit a multidisciplinary voice clinic.


On shaming vocal performers

In this invited commentary from 2017, on Jenna Simeonov’s fabulous blog, Schmopera, - Dr. Kwak writes about the backlash against Adele after she canceled the end of her worldwide tour in the face of exhaustion - and what this toxicity says about the culture of repression and shame that feeds the fear and anxiety that often keeps vocalists from seeking the care they deserve.